Friday, November 30, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

a collaborative illustration project with  David Habchy 
This time we wanted to experiment with a new technique ;
spray and collage cutout on paper . 

The Outpost Magazine

What if there was a new magazine in town to prove that print is not dead ?
well now It exists , its called "the outpost" 
I collaborated with these lovely people on their first issue . 
The illustration was meant to reaveal the "opener" article 
called the "invisible monuments"
The hypothetical situation of 10 cities all intersected at specific 
cultural points to form a new arab world 

do follow them here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

im currently working on a web series that cannot be disclosed for the time being .
so i leave here a small peak of the research
design of one of the characters . 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"In the beginning of Time "

Back In 2008 , I spent the summer in  Zagreb, Croatia working on a short stop-motion animated film . 
4 years later, the film is finally finished and it looks great ! 
" In the Beginning of Time "is directed by the talented BOŽIDAR TRKULJA and 
was produced at Bonobo Studios .
It is currently touring in festivals, so no chance of seeing it online yet ,
 but you can visit the website for some sneak peaks . 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Campaign for Saint Jude hospital

Leo Burnett agency recently launched a campaign in 
support of the ST jude's cancer center .
The aim was to get artists of different disciplines 
to create some kind of street art that would draw attention 
to the matter and then use that as press art to eventually help 
raise money for the center.
I met up with Hussein and David and we decided to ask
 people we meet on the street ,the following :
if you had to draw cancer , what would you draw?

The answers we got were so
 diverse and sometimes shocking .

To name a few 

cancer is a scorpion ,
an octopus , 
its like pacman 
a potato 
a marble 
the municipality of jounieh 
a pebble on water


We wrote down people's answers on cells and tagged them all over the city in Beirut.

(ok not all over , that was the plan initially but we just ended up doing Ashrafieh 
and then we decided to spare the rest of the city from infection )

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Zimo's album launch

Zimo is a multi-talented artist from Aleppo , Syria.
You dont often meet people with a special spark .
Zimo is one of the very few i had the chance to meet .
He not only is a great illustrator / painter , he's a musician.
For his album launch , "ANA INSAN", he asked 11 artists from different regions to 
collaborate with the talented designer Sedki el Imam to produce 11 different artworks for 
each track.
Mine was "asr el insan" you can listen to it here:

and download the whole album here :

so this is the visual that i came up with inspired by the song 

and here's the version finalized by Sedki:)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Workshop in Sharjah

We're giving another workshop and it's in Sharjah this time :)
Under the name of "Waraq " the collective 
were starting with my double David Habchy .

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Illustration Workshop in Aleppo

In March , David Habchy and I were invited to give an illustration workshop in 
Aleppo along with another syrian illustrator, the lovely Nadine Kaadan.
Yes , Syria wasnt the most stable country to be in at that time.
But being there couldnt have felt more right .
We spent 4 days with incredibly talented people that gave us the best of their potentials .
This passionate exchange made of this  workshop a very unique experience to all of us.
Heres a summary of what we did.



Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bank Audi TVC

I was recently comissioned to work on an animated TVC  , for Bank Audi.
The pitch was given by the ad agency , Leo Burnett .
I worked on the illustrations/ artistic direction , and my talented buddy Avak Avakian animated  the balloon.

Like every other project done for advertising , It had to be wrapped up in a week .

But impossible deadlines give out interesting results sometimes .

Here's the colorboard

you can catch it on Tv and here.

woman in the moon

I got asked to design a poster for a performance .
This time, I felt like experimenting with different mediums and try out "linogravure". 
( Thanks to the lovely talented illustrator , Clemence Albertus, who taught me this medium during my stay in France last week.)
So this medium requires the material , the special paint , the carving tools and the plaques.
You first have to sketch out your drawing on the plaque and then carve it out  .
The result is so raw and interesting , no photoshop effect can give you that.
The best part is the randomness which gives a different print every time .

After that comes the conventional photoshop part , 
Defining the illustration and the colors  .

 Thank you to my lovelies , David Habchy for the early morning guidance and Lara Samaha 
for helping me design the layout in the back of the calender !

 Heres the flyer of the performance designed as a lunar calender .

Il also be doing Vjing at the perfomance .
Will be posting some pictures soon 
If you're around beirut, do pass by and see the performance its running till sunday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

"ALEF" Short Film

'ALEF" is an NGO against torture in the prisons in Lebanon . 

We were comissioned to make a short film promoting their cause. 
I teamed up with the director Talal Khoury , and the producer Francois Monayer and animator Avak Avakian 
to create this short film that was later projected in movie theaters and festivals.

I was  in charge of the artistic direction of the animated sequence .

 Heres a few pictures of the making of. 

The interesting part of this work was taking part of the shoot .
We as animators had to respect the constrictions of the shots taken 
and think beforehand how to work our animation accordingly.

This is the cut version of the film

and you can watch the whole film here :

Monday, January 23, 2012

Peu pitch

Here are some illustrations I've done for a recent pitch 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Old illustrations I dug up from a personal project i began with my sister a year ago.
They are a series of holiday cards based on "lebanese sayings "

I Should find time and motivation to carry through with this project.
yet another one goes...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Never been fond of feline creatures 
until I  met 
Suzie Q